RESOURCES – These following organizations are in urgent need of food donations.

Now is the time we all need to stand together and ask what we can do for our neighbors, so as you purchase groceries for you and your family, please consider making a donation to the following organizations to ensure the health and financial security of other Bristol residents. The need for food for many people right now is greater than ever before. So, please consider dropping some items off at any of these locations.

Bristol Emergency Food Pantry (URGENT)

21 Washington Street, Bristol, VA
Open Monday – Friday from 1:00 – 4:00 p.m.
Must have a photo ID and SS cards for all members of the household

Salvation Army Bristol (URGENT)

137 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd., Bristol, TN
Helps with food, rent, and utilities by appointment

Distribution Hours: 9:30am – 11:30am

Donations accepted: 9am – 5pm

Haven of Rest (URGENT)

624 Anderson Street, Bristol, TN
Sharing God’s love with the homeless, hopeless and hungry

  1. We accept donations from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm Monday-Saturday.
  2. The items we need are: Canned Vegetables / Canned Fruits / Pastas / Spaghetti Sauce / Cereals / Rice / Sugar / Cheese
  3. Drop off at Pantry or Kitchen door.

Bristol’s Promise

Centralized list of COVID-19 resources

Bristol Faith in Action

1534 Euclid Avenue, Bristol, VA
Helps with food, rent and utilities by appointment only

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